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SurgiClear offers Medical Clearances, Lab Testing & X-Ray Services. If you have any questions of what we offer, please give us a call.
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The purpose of the pre-operative physical is to rule out high risk conditions that that will endanger the patient during surgery and during the recovery process. Such conditions include heart disease, high blood pressure, anemia, abnormal blood clotting, sleep apnea, difficult airway and others. The physician may order additional tests to determine the risk of surgery.
The testing performed for most pre-operative evaluations typically includes complete blood count (CBC), metabolic panel (CMP or BMP), and, depending on age, an electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG). Additional testing might be requested by the surgeon, and may include blood clotting labs (PT/INR and PTT), urine analysis (UA and urine culture), chest x-ray (CXR), HIV screening, pregnancy testing, hepatitis screening, or other tests.
No. You will need to provide us with a script of any required testing for your procedure.
• Bring all pre-op physical forms and orders that were given to you by the surgeon. You can also email them to us before your visit.
• Typically, the surgeon will want certain blood tests done: you can have the blood drawn at our office, or bring the lab report with you for the pre-op physical.
• Most of the time, the surgical clearance will be given after the exam and bloodwork. If certain abnormalities are found, the surgery might be delayed to address the increased risks.
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